You know the story…the sun peaks out from between the clouds, the ground thaws, the trees begin to stir and you feel the slightest tickle in your nose. Before long your eyes are bloodshot and itchy, you sneeze every time you leave the house and your nose becomes a reservoir of congestion. This is allergy season, and for 20% of the population the joys of a West Coast spring and summer are lost in what feels like a never-ending, nasty cold.
Anything that triggers an allergic response is referred to as ‘an allergen’ or ‘foreign antigen’. In the case of seasonal allergies (a.k.a Hay Fever), the allergen is pollen, which can be released from grasses, trees or weeds. Some people have the unlucky prospect of year-long suffering from perennial allergies. The most common triggers for these are dust mites, molds, cats and dogs.
If you are acutely experiencing allergy symptoms this season, the best thing to do is come in for a visit where we can asses your individual symptoms and give you a specific treatment plan. There are several vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that decrease inflammation, inhibit the release of histamine and decrease your symptoms, naturally!
Allergy Testing
At Arc Integrated Medicine, we will run an in-house scratch test for the most common allergens. There is no need to wait 6-8 months to see your allergist. We are also able to send you to life labs for more comprehensive allergy testing if that is deemed appropriate.

Allergy Desensitization
One of the main allergy treatments we use at Arc is desensitization or Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT). This treatment uses the same principle as allergy shots that doctors often use. Instead of shots, an oral medication is compounded specifically for each patient which contains small doses of up to four allergens. Increased tolerance and immunity to the allergen are developed over time, which will reduce symptoms. There are over 60 clinical trials proving the efficacy and safety of SLIT, from that, it has garnered endorsement from the World Health Organization, the World Allergy Organization and the Cochrane Collaboration.
Read more about SLIT Treatment Here
Natural Allergy Relief and Desensitization
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