Craniosacral Therapy

What is it?

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a hands-on modality that utilizes light touch to examine and encourage balance of the nervous system.  CST employs non-invasive techniques to relieve tension and pain by releasing deeper restrictions and trauma.  This gentle therapy is safe and suitable for all ages.

How does it work?

CST is typically an hour-long treatment during which the patient is comfortably lying down.  The practitioner uses light touch to deeply relax the central nervous system, specifically targeting the nerves, fluids, connective tissue and bones of the skull, spine and pelvis.  Gentle pressure is applied to release restrictions in the soft tissue and fascia of these areas.

The goal of CST is to facilitate self-regulation by helping the body unwind and drawing awareness to areas of dysfunction.  Subtle manipulations lead to significant downstream effects by encouraging the body to repair itself from within.  In addition to addressing physical restrictions, CST also promotes mental and emotional well-being.